Biological Historical Philosophical


Evolutionists have long boasted that bacteria evolved resistance when antibiotics were introduced by man but when bacteria were revived off ancient arctic explorers, some were found to be already resistant to certain antibiotics thus confounding the idea of evolution. Apparently the function of virus and anti-viral responses has persisted for millennia.

Evolutionists have long boasted that bacteria evolved resistance when antibiotics were introduced by man. There is clear evidence for bacterial resistance so this argument for evolution seemed to carry great strength. 

Well, like most things man “knows” we find out otherwise. As it turns out, some cases of antibiotic resistant bacteria were not caused by evolving antibiotic-resistant genes but were perhaps caused by the deterioration of genes that exist or existed for other purposes.

In 1988 scientists discovered antibiotic-resistant genes on the frozen bodies of Arctic Explorers who died in 1848, long before antibiotics had been produced. When the bacteria were revived, some were found to be already resistant to certain antibiotics confounding the idea of evolution being the sole cause for this resistance. ”

R. McQuire, “Eerie: human Arctic fossils yield resistant bacteria,” Medical Tribune, December 29, 1988, pp. 1, 23

R. McQuire, “Eerie: human Arctic fossils yield resistant bacteria,” Medical Tribune, December 29, 1988, pp. 1, 23